Red Cardinal Healing

Reiki Master and Energetic Coach

Red Cardinal Healing

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For years this was me too, so I recognize how frustrating this can be!  During this time, I had met with so many doctors and underwent so many tests to never be given any solid answers or solutions as to what was wrong with me or why I was feeling the way I was. I knew that this was no way to have to live and this is EXACTLY what I help people with through my Reiki and Energetic Coaching offerings.

Here is a little story as to my why I am here to honor and hold space for you.

5 years ago I was in the Emergency Room of a hospital just outside of Boston. I remember it was so cold out and it had been snowing that day. I had not been feeling well for a months prior that day, but after finally securing health insurance, that was the day I was finally going to try to hopefully get some answers from yet another doctor. 
That don’t go as planned and I can tell you this was one day that I can say changed my life forever.  That morning as I was cleaning off my car, I was feeling dizzy and don't remember much after that, except going into my house and putting my head on the cold sink.  What ever virus that had been attacking my body for months had really caught up to me.  I don't remember all the details,  but do know that I ended up fainting in my house and when I came to I was transported to the hospital via ambulance.  When I got to the ER it was found that I was suffering from a fractured my shoulder, a head wound that required staples to close and an infection that had been ravaging my body which required me to be admitted overnight.  

I knew that I wanted to take a different holistic approach to healing my injuries and wasn’t really interested in the pain medication being prescribed. 

Within days of discharge I had scheduled a Reiki session with an amazing practitioner. At the time of our session, I was still suffering constant pain, I was only working with one arm as the other was in a sling and still had multiple staples holding my head together.  I will say I was not in the best shape that day, but didn't let that hold me back.

After this Reiki session I knew that this was something that I was going to fully incorporate into my life. I also knew I had these same gifts, that had never been brought to light, to share with others and this was the time to bring them forward. That is where it all took off and I began my journey to become a Reiki Master.  

Fast forward to today… I am a Reiki Master and offer In Person and Distance Reiki sessions for both children and adults. I am an Energetic Coach that works with a direct focus on children and families who have been through their own life changing experiences. I will always be a Social Worker and have worked as a front line responder for 20+ years with children and families during the most traumatic situations in their lives. 

Are you looking to make changes in your life? I can help you do that! πŸ’₯

Book a Complimentary Call to learn more about our offerings or ask any questions. I am looking forward to being part of your journey with you! 

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One Time Single Parent Survival Session - Online -  

Are you a single parent that needs a quick Strategy Recharge Session to get you over a bump in the road you are facing? Do you want to learn new strategies that you can use NOW to help get you to the other side? Then this is for you!


We will take this 1x hour long session, and devise a game plan that is workable for you to begin to immediately implement in your life. Believe me, I know that solo parenting is hard but know you don't have to feel alone while doing it. You got this! 🫡🏽


This event will be via Google Meet. We also have evening and weekend availability, because we all know parenting is not a 9-5! πŸŽ‡

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